Eline Esmee - Afstudeerconcert
wo 16 jun 2021
Eline Esmee - Afstudeerconcert
Thuis gratis te volgen via de live stream

Eline Esmee
Eline Esmee is a 24 year old singer/songwriter from The Netherlands. In 2020 she decided to focus on songwriting and toplining. In the beginning of that year she worked together with Wildstylez and Mark Sixma and released her first two toplines on Spotify. 

​In the summer of 2020 she also decided to focus on her solo career. Still middle in the process but new songs are being born. So keep an eye on 2021!

wo 16 jun 2021
Eline Esmee - Afstudeerconcert
Thuis gratis te volgen via de live stream

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